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Swap-Free Limit and Fee

SymbolGrace Period (number of days)Long Administration Fee (USD Per lot)Short Administration Fee (USD Per lot)Volume Limits
  • Swap free for the number of days and volumes differ according to the instrument type as per the above-mentioned table. 
  • For positions with negative swaps, INGOT Brokers will apply the charges, The fees could be updated weekly, or monthly according to the market conditions.
  • After the duration “Grace Period” or volume exceeded the clients will charge fees directly under the ‘swap’ field. 
  • The Administration Fees might be for both directions long and short.
  • The client must acknowledge that the charges are additional fees, including added administration fees “storage fees”, and not swaps interest.
  • All days mentioned above are calendar days.
  • The volume limit is set per Instrument. For example, the total volume limit on all Spot Metals exposure is 5 lots.
  • There will be no positive swap charges for positions that should receiving positive swaps (It will be zero).
  • The client must acknowledge that on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and/or Fridays, the administration fee applied to open positions will be three times the standard administration fees, based on the 3-day charges for the instrument.
  • If the volume exceeds the limit, administration fees “swap charges” will be applied directly to all open positions “on the same category/ securities”, regardless of the opening time/date of each position. However, if the total exposure does not exceed the volume limit, administration fees “swap charges” will only be applied to the transactions that exceed the grace period.
  • Administration fees are applied at 23:59:59 Metatrader server time.

Read more about the Swap-Free Terms and Conditions